Access by train/bus
15 minutes walk from Shin-Urayasu Station
Shin-Urayasu Station
JR Keiyo Line/JR Musashino Line
15 minutes walk from Shin-Urayasu Station
Shin-Urayasu Station
JR Keiyo Line/JR Musashino Line
5 minutes by bus from Shin-Urayasu Station
Shin-Urayasu Station North Exit
Hotel free shuttle bus
Shin-Urayasu Station South Bus Terminal C No.17 to Hinode-Hoikuenmae Bus Stop, then walk 1minute
Tokyo Bay City Bus
5 minutes by bus from Shin-Urayasu Station
Shin-Urayasu Station North Exit
Hotel free shuttle bus
Shin-Urayasu Station South Bus Terminal C No.17 to Hinode-Hoikuenmae Bus Stop, then walk 1minute
Tokyo Bay City Bus
Access by train/bus
Access by car
About 4 minutes from Urayasu IC
Urayasu IC
Shuto Expressway Wangan Route
About 4 minutes from
Urayasu IC
Shuto Expressway Wangan Route
About 4 minutes from Wangan Ichikawa
Wangan Ichikawa
Kanto Expressway
About 4 minutes from
Wangan Ichikawa
Kanto Expressway
Access by car
 reserve img

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